Knight Township
Trustee’s Office
Knight Township is located in Vanderburgh County in southwestern Indiana. It is one of the largest of the state’s 1,006 townships. Per the 2020 Federal Census, serves more than 67,913 residents on the east side of Evansville and in the surrounding unincorporated areas, and is the home of nearly 40% of Vanderburgh County’s citizens.
The township is governed by two distinct elected offices. Day-to-day operations are managed by the Trustee, who serves as the executive of the Township, while oversight and advice are provided by a three-member Township Board, who serves as the Township’s legislative body. The Knight Township Trustee is Kathryn Martin. The Knight Township Board is comprised of Donald R. “Don” Boerner, Christopher D. Cooke, and Eric L. Wagemann.
As a primarily urban township, the Trustee’s main responsibility is to provide assistance to those in need. For those who qualify, assistance may include help with shelter (rent or mortgage), utilities (gas, electric, water), medical, and burial expenses, with the goal of helping our citizens.
Other duties include:
- Providing fire protection to unincorporated areas of the county
- Assisting with the burial of the indigent
- Managing the township budget and financial records
- Preparing an annual financial report
It is a privilege and an honor to serve the citizens of southeastern Vanderburgh County. If you have any questions or believe we can be of assistance, we invite you to write, call, or come by our office and learn more about your township government.
To see what township you reside in you can visit the Vanderburgh County Assessor and type in your address.
Congratulations Don Boerner!
Indiana Township Board Member of the Year!

Knight Township
Trustee's Office
Telephone: (812) 477-1596
Fax: (812) 477-0237
1116 North Weinbach Avenue
Evansville, Indiana 47711-4848
Monday: 8AM to 4PM
Tuesday: 8AM to 4PM
Wednesday: 8AM to 4PM
Thursday: 8AM to 4PM
Friday: 8AM to 4PM
Closed Daily Noon until 1:00PM
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